2015-12-31 6 views

मैं पूरी वेब साइट, इंटरनेट और निश्चित रूप से एसओ देख रहा हूं और यूमलेट में इस्तेमाल होने वाली मार्कअप भाषा के लिए विवरण या विनिर्देश नहीं दिख रहा है।उमलेट के लिए मार्कअप भाषा विनिर्देश क्या है?

उदाहरण के लिए उदाहरण के अनुक्रम आरेख में:

title: sample 
id2-/>id1:async Msg. 
id1.>id3:id1,id3:async return Msg 
iframe{:interaction frame 
id2->id3:id1,id3:async Msg. 

->, ->, आदि काफी स्पष्ट है, लेकिन क्या कोलन कर रहे हैं?

अंडरलाइन की आवश्यकता क्यों है, आदि पूछताछ दिमाग जानना चाहेंगे क्योंकि यह स्केचिंग के लिए उपयोगी टूल जैसा दिखता है।


यदि आप वास्तव में रुचि रखते हैं, आईईईई पर साइन अप करें इसमें। –


@tgunr सवाल क्या है? क्योंकि यदि आप इसके साथ खेलते हैं तो सभी में एक आरेख स्वयं-स्पष्टीकरणपूर्ण होता है ... व्यक्तिगत रूप से मैं प्लांटमल अनुक्रम आरेखों की अनुशंसा करता हूं http://plantuml.com/sequence.html; उनके पास अच्छे सिंटैक्स हैं और –


बेहतर दिखते हैं आप इसे UMLet में क्यों नहीं देखते हैं? – gefei



मिले an annotated script (कि 14.2 के रूप में मान्य नहीं लगता):

//UML2 style titles are optional. 
title:sequence diagram 
//the participating objects are separated using the pipe symbol "|". Their names may be underlined using underscores. 
//The following line describes a (synchonuous) message originating from the first object sent to the second object, while both objects are active. 
//This message is asynchronous being sent from the second object to the first object. The messages is named. 
2-/>1:async Msg. 
//A message from the third object to the first object; both objects are active. 
//A named asynchronous return message in UML2 style (using a stick arrow head). 
1.>3:1,3:async return Msg 
//This is a self call of the first object. 
//Interaction frames may be used to show optional or conditional blocks within sequence diagrams. 
iframe{:interaction frame 
2->3:2,3:async Msg. 

उत्तर: BNF, वहाँ स्रोत में umlet-elements/src/main/javacc/SequenceAllInOneParser.jj:

options { 
    static    = false; 
    IGNORE_CASE   = false; 
    JDK_VERSION  = "1.6"; 
    // Not yet detected as a valid option by the Eclipse plugin, but works nonetheless. This is essential for GWT compatible generated code. 
    JAVA_TEMPLATE_TYPE = "modern"; 

package com.baselet.element.facet.specific.sequence_aio.gen; 

import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 

import com.baselet.control.enums.LineType; 
import com.baselet.element.facet.specific.sequence_aio.Lifeline; 
import com.baselet.element.facet.specific.sequence_aio.Message.ArrowType; 
import com.baselet.element.facet.specific.sequence_aio.SequenceDiagramBuilder; 
import com.baselet.element.facet.specific.sequence_aio.SequenceDiagramException; 

public class SequenceAllInOneParser { 
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SequenceAllInOneParser.class); 

    private boolean autoTick; 

    * Replaces "\\\\" with "\\" in the output so that any further specified match replace pair can't match the replaced "\\". 
    * @param matchReplacePairs 
    * @return the string with the replacements 
    public static String backslashReplace(String input, String... matchReplacePairs) { 
     if (matchReplacePairs.length % 2 == 1) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("matchReplacePairs must have an even number of elements."); 
     String split = "\\\\"; 
     StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(input.length()); 
     int firstIndex = 0; 
     // use the indexOf function instead of a split, because split uses regex and regex is not 100% supported by GWT 
     int foundIndex = input.indexOf(split, firstIndex); 
     while (firstIndex < input.length()) { 
      int lastIndex = foundIndex == -1 ? input.length() : foundIndex; 
      String tmp = input.substring(firstIndex, lastIndex); 
      for (int j = 0; j < matchReplacePairs.length - 1; j += 2) { 
       tmp = tmp.replace(matchReplacePairs[j], matchReplacePairs[j + 1]); 
      if (foundIndex != -1) { 
      firstIndex = lastIndex + split.length(); 
      foundIndex = input.indexOf(split, firstIndex); 
     return strBuilder.toString(); 

    * Small data container to pass all informations. 
    private class MessageArrowInfo { 
     boolean fromLeftToRight; 
     LineType lineType; 
     ArrowType arrowType; 

    private class InteractionConstraint { 
     private String lifelineId = null; 
     private String text = ""; 

    private class LifelineInterval { 
     private String startId; 
     private String endId; 

/* defines input to be ignored */ 
< * > SKIP: 
    " " 
    | "\t" 

    "\n" : DEFAULT 
    | "\r\n" : DEFAULT 
    | "\r" : DEFAULT 

    < DIAGRAM_OPTION_OVERRIDE_ID :"overrideIds=" > 
    | < DIAGRAM_OPTION_AUTO_TICK: "autoTick=" > 
    | < TRUE: "true" > 
    | < FALSE: "false" > 
    | < DIAGRAM_TITLE: "title=" > : DIAGRAM_DEF_TEXT 
    | < DIAGRAM_DESC: "desc=" > : DIAGRAM_DEF_TEXT 

      ~ ["\\","\r","\n"] 
      | ("\\" ["\\", "n"]) 
     )+> : DIAGRAM_DEF_TEXT 

    < LL_DEF_NEW_LINE: "\n" | "\r\n" | "\r" > : DEFAULT 
    /*| < LIFELINE_TITLE_DELIMITER: "~" > integrated in the title */ 
    | < LIFELINE_TITLE: /* since | and ~ are special characters which delimit the title they need to be escaped */ 
      | ("\\" ["\\","~","|","n"]) 
     "~" > 

    | < LIST_DELIMITER: "," > 
    | < OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET: "{" > 
    | < CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET: "}" > 
    | < COMMAND_DELIMITER: ";" > 
    | < T_DASH: "-" > 
    | < T_DOT: "." > 
    | < T_DDOT: ".." > 
    | < T_EQ: "=" > 
    | < MESSAGE_DURATION_INC: "+" > 
    | < LOST: "lost" > 
    | < FOUND: "found" > 
    | < GATE: "gate" > 
    | < START_COREGION: "coregionStart=" > 
    | < END_COREGION: "coregionEnd=" > 
    | < INVARIANT: "invariant=" > 
    | < STATE_INVARIANT: "stateInvariant=" > 
    | < EXEC_SPEC_START: "on=" > 
    | < EXEC_SPEC_END: "off=" > 
    | < LL_DESTROY: "destroy=" > 
    | < REF: "ref=" > 
    | < CONTINUATION: "continuation=" > 
    | < TEXT_ON_LIFELINE: "text=" > 
    | < TICK: "tick=" > 
    | < COMBINED_FRAGMENT: "combinedFragment=" > : CF_OPERATOR 
    | < INTERACTION_CONSTRAINT: "constraint=" > 
    | < UNSIGNED_INT_CONSTANT: (["0" - "9"]) + > 
    | < DEFAULT_NEW_LINE: "\n" | "\r\n" | "\r" > 

    < LIFELINE_ID: ["a"-"z","A"-"Z"] (["a"-"z","A"-"Z","0"-"9"])* > 

    < TEXT_UNTIL_NEXT_COMMAND : (/* since ; is special characters which delimit the text it must be escaped */ 
      | ("\\" ["\\",";","n"]) 
     )+ > : DEFAULT 

    < COMBINED_FRAGMENT_OPERATOR: /* since ; and ~ are special characters which delimit the operator they need to be escaped */ 
      | ("\\" ["\\","~","|","n",";"]) 
     "~" > : DEFAULT 

/* general Tokens */ 

/* skip comments */ 
< * > SKIP : 

< * > TOKEN : 
    <LAST_LINE_COMMENT: "//"(~["\n","\r"])*> 

* The main function which parses the whole diagram. 
* Line comments are skipped (see Tokens) 
SequenceDiagramBuilder start() : 
    String titleText = ""; 
    String descText = ""; 
    SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram = new SequenceDiagramBuilder(); 
    autoTick = true; 
      titleText=DiagramTitle() /* NL skip and change state to DEFAULT */ 
      | descText = DiagramDescription() /* NL skip and change state to DEFAULT */ 
      | Option(diagram) <DEFAULT_NEW_LINE> 
      | LifelineDefinitions(diagram) /* NL part of the nonterminal */ 

     )+//diagram definition as new NT followed by NL alternating with sequence so that the sequence= can be removed 

     return diagram; 

String DiagramTitle() : 
    String text = ""; 
     <DIAGRAM_DEFINITION_TEXT> { text = backslashReplace(token.image, "\\n","\n");} 
    {return text;} 

String DiagramDescription() : 
    String desc = ""; 
    <DIAGRAM_DEFINITION_TEXT> { desc = backslashReplace(token.image, "\\n","\n");} 
    {return desc;} 

* Options for the whole diagram 
void Option(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    boolean overrideIds; 
    <DIAGRAM_OPTION_OVERRIDE_ID> overrideIds = booleanConstant() 
    | <DIAGRAM_OPTION_AUTO_TICK> autoTick = booleanConstant() 

* Defines all Lifelines 
void LifelineDefinitions(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    <LIFELINE_DEFINITIONS> LifelineDef(diagram) (<LIFELINE_DEF_DELIMITER> LifelineDef(diagram))* <LL_DEF_NEW_LINE> 

* Defines one Lifeline, the id can't be LIFELINE_ACTOR, LIFELINE_ACTIVE 
* or LIFELINE_CREATED_LATER because these are keywords. 
void LifelineDef(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String name = ""; 
    String id = null; 
    boolean createdOnStart = true; 
    Lifeline.LifelineHeadType headType = Lifeline.LifelineHeadType.STANDARD; 
    boolean execSpecFromStart = false; 
    name = LifelineDefTitleText() (id=LifelineId())? 
     <LIFELINE_ACTOR> { headType = Lifeline.LifelineHeadType.ACTOR; } 
     | <LIFELINE_ACTIVE> { headType = Lifeline.LifelineHeadType.ACTIVE_CLASS; } 
     | <LIFELINE_CREATED_LATER> { createdOnStart = false; } 
     | <LIFELINE_EXEC_SPEC_FROM_START> { execSpecFromStart = true; } 
    ) * 
     if("lost".equals(id) || "found".equals(id)) { 
      throw new SequenceDiagramException("'lost' and 'found' are keywords and can not be used as lifeline identifiers."); 
     diagram.addLiveline(name, id, headType, createdOnStart, execSpecFromStart); 

/** can could be multiple lines */ 
String LifelineDefTitleText() : 
     /* remove trailing ~ and handle the escaping of \, |, n and ~ */ 
     return backslashReplace(token.image.substring(0, token.image.length() - 1), "\\n", "\n", "\\~", "~", "\\|", "|"); 

* Can't be one of the following, because these are keywords in the lifeline definition! 
String LifelineId() : 
     return token.image; 

void Sequence(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
     SequenceTick(diagram) <DEFAULT_NEW_LINE> 
     | (
      (LOOKAHEAD(2) <COMMAND_DELIMITER> SequenceElement(diagram))* 
      { if(autoTick) { diagram.tick(); } } 

void SequenceTick(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    int tickCount = 1; 
    <TICK> (tickCount = unsignedIntConstant())? 
    { diagram.tick(tickCount); } 

void SequenceElement(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
     MessageOrGeneralOrderingOrText(diagram) /* Message, GeneralOrdering have a common prefix for more clarity a new nonterminal was created*/ 
     | Coregion(diagram) 
     | DestroyLL(diagram) 
     | ExecutionSpecification(diagram) 
     | StateInvariant(diagram) 
     //| (diagram) //general ordering, TimeConstraint TimeObservation and DurationConstraint Duration Observation missing 
     | InteractionUse(diagram) 
     | Continuation(diagram) 
     | CombinedFragment(diagram) 

void MessageOrGeneralOrderingOrText(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    * (Message and GeneralOrdering) A common prefix is: <LIFELINE_ID> "." <LIFELINE_ID> "<" 
    * All three have <LIFELINE_ID > as common prefix 
    * therefore use LOOKAHEAD(2) if it is a text, if not use a LOOKAHEAD(5) to determine if it is a message or a general ordering 
    LOOKAHEAD(2) TextOnLifeline(diagram) 
    | LOOKAHEAD(5) Message(diagram) 
    | GeneralOrdering(diagram) 

void CombinedFragment(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    LifelineInterval interval = new LifelineInterval(); 
    String operator = ""; 
    String id = null; 
      { operator = backslashReplace(token.image.substring(0, token.image.length() - 1), "\\n", "\n", "\\;", ";", "\\~", "~"); } 
      id = LifelineId() 
      [interval = LifelineInterval()] 
     { diagram.beginCombinedFragment(interval.startId, interval.endId, id, operator); } 
    | (
     <T_DASH> <T_DASH> (<T_EQ> id=LifelineId())? 
     { diagram.endCombinedFragment(id); } 
    | (
     <T_DDOT> (<T_EQ> id=LifelineId())? 
     { diagram.endAndBeginOperand(id); } 

void Message(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String leftLifelineId = null; 
    String rightLifelineId = null; 
    String leftLifelineLocalId = null; 
    String rightLifelineLocalId = null; 
    MessageArrowInfo messageArrowInfo; 
    String msgText = ""; 
    int lostCount = 0; 
    int foundCount = 0; 
    int gateCount = 0; 
    int duration = 0; 
      leftLifelineId = LifelineId() [LOOKAHEAD(2)<T_DOT> leftLifelineLocalId = LifelineId()] 
      | <LOST> { leftLifelineId = "lost"; lostCount++; } 
      | <FOUND> { leftLifelineId = "found"; foundCount++; } 
      | <GATE> { leftLifelineId = "gate"; gateCount++; } 
     messageArrowInfo = MessageArrow() 
      rightLifelineId = LifelineId() [<T_DOT> rightLifelineLocalId = LifelineId()] 
      | <LOST> { rightLifelineId = "lost"; lostCount++; } 
      | <FOUND> { rightLifelineId = "found"; foundCount++; } 
      | <GATE> { rightLifelineId = "gate"; gateCount++; } 
     (duration = MessageDuration())? 
     (msgText = TextUntilNewLine())? 
     if(lostCount + foundCount + gateCount > 1) { 
      throw new SequenceDiagramException("Error: 'lost', 'found' and 'gate' can only occur once per message."); 
     String send; 
     String receive; 
     String sendLocalId; 
     String receiveLocalId; 
     if(messageArrowInfo.fromLeftToRight) { 
      send = leftLifelineId; 
      receive = rightLifelineId; 
      sendLocalId = leftLifelineLocalId; 
      receiveLocalId = rightLifelineLocalId; 
     else { 
      send = rightLifelineId; 
      receive = leftLifelineId; 
      sendLocalId = rightLifelineLocalId; 
      receiveLocalId = leftLifelineLocalId; 
     if(gateCount > 0) { 
      if(duration != 0) { 
       throw new SequenceDiagramException("Error: a messages with a gate can only have a duration of 0, but the duration was " + duration + "."); 
      if(send.equals("gate")) { 
       diagram.addSendGateMessage(receive, msgText, messageArrowInfo.lineType, messageArrowInfo.arrowType, receiveLocalId); 
      else { 
       diagram.addReceiveGateMessage(send, msgText, messageArrowInfo.lineType, messageArrowInfo.arrowType, sendLocalId); 
     else if(send.equals("lost")) { 
      throw new SequenceDiagramException("Error: 'lost' can only be on the receiving end of a message."); 
     else if(send.equals("found")) { 
      if(duration != 0) { 
       throw new SequenceDiagramException("Error: 'lost' and 'found' messages can only have a duration of 0, but the duration was " + duration + "."); 
      diagram.addFoundMessage(receive, msgText, messageArrowInfo.lineType, messageArrowInfo.arrowType, receiveLocalId); 
      if(receive.equals("lost")) { 
       if(duration != 0) { 
        throw new SequenceDiagramException("Error: 'lost' and 'found' messages can only have a duration of 0, but the duration was " + duration + "."); 
       diagram.addLostMessage(send, msgText, messageArrowInfo.lineType, messageArrowInfo.arrowType, sendLocalId); 
      else if(receive.equals("found")) { 
       throw new SequenceDiagramException("Error: 'found' can only be on the sending end of a message."); 
      else { 
       diagram.addMessage(send, receive, duration, msgText, messageArrowInfo.lineType, messageArrowInfo.arrowType, sendLocalId, receiveLocalId); 

MessageArrowInfo MessageArrow(): 
    MessageArrowInfo messageArrowInfo = new MessageArrowInfo(); 
       messageArrowInfo.lineType = MessageArrowLineType() 
        <MESSAGE_ARROW_RIGHT_OPEN> { messageArrowInfo.arrowType = ArrowType.OPEN; } 
        | <MESSAGE_ARROW_RIGHT_FILLED> { messageArrowInfo.arrowType = ArrowType.FILLED; } 
       messageArrowInfo.fromLeftToRight = true; 
      | (
        <MESSAGE_ARROW_LEFT_OPEN> { messageArrowInfo.arrowType = ArrowType.OPEN; } 
        | <MESSAGE_ARROW_LEFT_FILLED> { messageArrowInfo.arrowType = ArrowType.FILLED; } 
       messageArrowInfo.lineType = MessageArrowLineType() 
       messageArrowInfo.fromLeftToRight = false; 
     { return messageArrowInfo; } 

LineType MessageArrowLineType() : 
    LineType lineType; 
     <T_DASH> { lineType = LineType.SOLID; } 
     | <T_DOT> { lineType = LineType.DASHED; } 
     return lineType; 

int MessageDuration() : 
    int duration; 
      <MESSAGE_DURATION_INC> { duration = 1; } 
       duration = unsignedIntConstant() 
       | (<MESSAGE_DURATION_INC> { duration++; })* 
     | (
      <T_DASH> { duration = -1; } 
       duration = unsignedIntConstant() { duration = -duration; } 
       | (<T_DASH> { duration--; })* 
     return duration; 

void GeneralOrdering(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram): 
    String leftLifelineId = null; 
    String rightLifelineId = null; 
    String leftLifelineLocalId = null; 
    String rightLifelineLocalId = null; 
    boolean leftEarlier; 
    leftLifelineId = LifelineId() 
    leftLifelineLocalId = LifelineId() 
     <MESSAGE_ARROW_RIGHT_OPEN> { leftEarlier = true; } 
     | <MESSAGE_ARROW_LEFT_OPEN> { leftEarlier = false; } 
    rightLifelineId = LifelineId() 
    rightLifelineLocalId = LifelineId() 
     if(leftEarlier) { 
      diagram.addGeneralOrdering(leftLifelineId, leftLifelineLocalId, rightLifelineId, rightLifelineLocalId); 
     else { 
      diagram.addGeneralOrdering(rightLifelineId, rightLifelineLocalId, leftLifelineId, leftLifelineLocalId); 

void Coregion(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String lifelineId; 
    boolean start; 
     <START_COREGION> { start = true; } 
     | <END_COREGION> { start = false; } 
    lifelineId = LifelineId() 
     diagram.addCoregion(lifelineId, start); 

void DestroyLL(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String lifelineId; 
    lifelineId = LifelineId() 

void ExecutionSpecification(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String lifelineId; 
    boolean on; 
     <EXEC_SPEC_START> { on = true; } 
     | <EXEC_SPEC_END> { on = false; } 
    lifelineId = LifelineId() 
     diagram.changeExecutionSpecification(lifelineId, on); 
    ((<LIST_DELIMITER>)? lifelineId = LifelineId() 
      diagram.changeExecutionSpecification(lifelineId, on); 

void StateInvariant(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String lifelineId; 
    String text = ""; 
    boolean stateStyle; 
     <INVARIANT> { stateStyle = false; } 
     | <STATE_INVARIANT> { stateStyle = true; } 
    lifelineId = LifelineId() 
    (text = TextUntilNewLine())? 
     diagram.addStateInvariant(lifelineId, text, stateStyle); 

void TextOnLifeline(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram) : 
    String lifelineId; 
    String text = ""; 
    lifelineId = LifelineId() 
    text = TextUntilNewLine() /* text is mandatory, if not lookahead with message and general ordering would not work*/ 
     diagram.addTextOnLifeline(lifelineId, text); 

String TextUntilNewLine() : 
     return backslashReplace(token.image, "\\n", "\n", "\\;", ";"); 

void InteractionUse(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram): 
    LifelineInterval interval; 
    String text = ""; 
     interval = LifelineInterval() 
     (text = TextUntilNewLine())? 
     diagram.addInteractionUse(interval.startId, interval.endId, text); 

void Continuation(SequenceDiagramBuilder diagram): 
    LifelineInterval interval; 
    String text = ""; 
     interval = LifelineInterval() 
     (text = TextUntilNewLine())? 
     diagram.addContinuation(interval.startId, interval.endId, text); 

* @return the start and end of the interval. 
LifelineInterval LifelineInterval(): 
    LifelineInterval interval = new LifelineInterval(); 
    interval.startId = LifelineId() 
    interval.endId = LifelineId() 
     return interval; 

boolean booleanConstant() : 
{ boolean value;} 
     <FALSE> { value = false;} 
     | <TRUE> { value = true;} 
    ) {return value; } 

int unsignedIntConstant() : 
     int value; 
     try { 
      value = Integer.parseInt(token.image); 
     } catch(NumberFormatException e) { 
      // only digits are accepted by the gramer, so the only reason for a NumberFormatException should be that the number is too big for int 
      throw (ParseException) new ParseException("Error: The string '" + token.image + "' couldn't be parsed as integer. The most probable reason is that the number is too big.").initCause(e); 
     return value; 
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